Project #03
Off-Grid PV storage system
Most of rooftop PV systems send power to the house or office and sell the excessive power to the grid. The excessive power will not be used on site. While, off-grid PV systems usually store excessive power to battery and be utilized on site when needed. We support the installation or management of off-grid PV battery system.
Off-grid PV & storage system in our office
We have installed two sets of Off-grid PV & storage systems (PV ①, PV ②) in our office and used them for our activity. The PV systems produce power throughout the year even when we have heavy snow here in Sapporo. Power switcher automatically changes power source from batteries to the grid, when winter cloud decreases sunshine and battery level.
Most of household appliances is connected to the PV systems such as air conditioner, boiler, ventilation fan, Network access equipment, PC, Vacuum cleaner and TV..
From September of 2023, we have been recording and visualizing full data of the PV systems using Flow BI service. It is clearly seen that power self-sufficiency rate reached around 60% in summer, while 13.3% in winter. Thanks to the PV system, we could reduce power purchase from the grid down to 66.3% after the installation of the PV system in 2023.
We believe Off-grid PV storage systems play a crucial role not only in everyday self-reliance but also in disaster resilience. For more information, please refer to our note.